Edventures Lab

How to Write a Reflection Paper: 6 Strategies for Better Writing When English is Your Second Language

A reflection paper presents a unique academic challenge as it requires both an objective analysis and a subjective opinion. It's a task that pushes you to articulate your thoughts on a subject, often asking you to reflect on your experiences or the material you have studied. Writing a reflection paper isn't just about summarizing content, but analyzing it and presenting your insights. This guide is designed to help you understand and master the process of writing a reflection paper.

1. Develop Strong English Writing Skills

English writing skills are fundamental when it comes to crafting a reflection paper. To improve, dedicate time to practice writing in English. Utilize resources that focus on grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. The more you practice, the more confident and skilled you'll become in expressing your ideas.

2. Embrace Your Unique Perspective

Your perspective as an international student adds value to your reflection paper. Don't shy away from expressing cultural nuances or personal experiences related to the topic. Embracing your unique viewpoint enriches the content and makes your paper stand out.

3. Use 6 Effective Strategies for Better Writing

When English is your second language, employing specific strategies can enhance your writing. First, practice regularly. Consistent practice hones your skills and boosts your confidence. Second, read extensively in English. Exposure to diverse writing styles improves your understanding and application of the language.

Third, focus on sentence structure. Well-crafted sentences enhance the readability of your reflection paper. Fourth, seek feedback. Feedback from peers or instructors provides valuable insights for improvement. Fifth, make use of writing resources. Online tools and guides can be valuable companions in your writing journey. Lastly, don't hesitate to ask for support. Whether it's from classmates, tutors, or language support services, seeking help is a proactive step towards improvement.

4. Dos and Don'ts of Reflection Paper Writing


- Do reflect on personal experiences related to the topic.

- Do utilize language support services offered by the university.


- Don't merely summarize content; analyze and provide insights.

- Don't ignore feedback; use it as a tool for improvement.

5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How can I improve my English writing skills?

A: Consistent practice, reading extensively, and seeking feedback are key strategies to enhance your English writing skills.

Q: Is it okay to include personal experiences in a reflection paper?

A: Yes, incorporating personal experiences adds depth and uniqueness to your reflection paper.

6. Final Thoughts

Writing a reflection paper as an international student may seem challenging, but with dedication and the right strategies, you can excel. Embrace your unique perspective, practice regularly, and don't hesitate to seek support. Remember, your voice as a second language writer is valuable, and your experiences contribute to a diverse academic landscape.

Useful Resources: https://tamaracamerablog.com/8-tips-to-teach-a-child-essay-writing/