Advanced Unity & C# Programming


Whoa – time for the Unity Deep Dive! Advanced Unity and C# takes students past the deep end of the pool into the depths of the Pacific as they integrate C# scripting with their existing Unity skill set to create marketable, dynamic, video game experiences. The camp culminates with final projects being uploaded to an online showcase that they can show off to their family, friends, and headhunters looking for the next hot-shot coder to join the gaming industry!


BOISE PCS EdventuresLab – 345 Bobwhite Ct., Suite 200 83706


BOISE: Tuesday and Thursday, December 21st and 22nd | 1-4pm (2 half days)

Price: $175

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Please fill out this information for the student who will be attending this camp. If enrolling more than one child, please add each camp to your cart separately and fill in the student information for each. Thank you

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Whoa – time for the Unity Deep Dive! Advanced Unity and C# takes students past the deep end of the pool into the depths of the Pacific as they integrate C# scripting with their existing Unity skill set to create marketable, dynamic, video game experiences. The camp culminates with final projects being uploaded to an online showcase that they can show off to their family, friends, and headhunters looking for the next hot-shot coder to join the gaming industry!


BOISE PCS EdventuresLab – 345 Bobwhite Ct., Suite 200 83706


BOISE: Tuesday and Thursday, December 21st and 22nd | 1-4pm (2 half days)

Price: $175