Advanced Unity & C# Programming Camp


The Advanced Unity and C# Camp builds off the base knowledge gained from prerequisite classes Unity I, Unity II and Intro to C#. Students integrate scripting in C# using their past knowledge of Unity to create marketable video games in dynamic virtual worlds.  Students share their finals projects by uploading them online so they can showcase their game design skills with family and friends!


EAGLE PCS EdventuresLab – 94 N Fisher Park Way, Eagle ID 83616


EAGLE: Tuesday and Thursday, August 4th and 6th | 9-12pm (2 half days)

Price: $175

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Student Information *

Please fill out this information for the student who will be attending this camp. If enrolling more than one child, please add each camp to your cart separately and fill in the student information for each. Thank you

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The Advanced Unity and C# Programming Camp builds off the base knowledge gained from prerequisite classes Unity I, Unity II and Intro to C#. Students integrate scripting in C# using their past knowledge of Unity to create marketable video games in dynamic virtual worlds.  Students share their finals projects by uploading them online so they can showcase their game design skills with family and friends!


EAGLE PCS EdventuresLab – 94 N Fisher Park Way, Eagle ID 83616


EAGLE: Tuesday and Thursday, August 4th and 6th | 9-12pm (2 half days)

Price: $175