Lab News: Important Scheduling: Mechanics, Dynamics, Physics
Are you and your family ready for back to school? EdventuresLab is gearing up with a new Fall Schedule and a new month filled with Mechanical Actions and physics of all sorts.
This is our last weekend of the season at the Eagle Saturday Market. Come by to say “hello” and get your robot sticker.
- For summer students, the after-school schedule begins on the 25th. Students signed up for Fall will begin the first week in September. If you still need to schedule, contact Caitlin to get your preferred day and time.
- PCS EdventuresLab is CLOSED on Labor Day, September 1st. If your student is scheduled for Mondays, please contact Caitlin to schedule a make-up.
This Week in Lab
Students are loving the Dynamic activities in lab this week!
Bumper cars were the hit of the week – students discussed momentum and discovered how to distribute it in an efficient way. Volvo conducts the same experiments in their factories!
For more information on last week in Lab and to check out some photos,visit our blog at
Thank you! See you in Lab!
After-School Lab Hours Starting August 25th
BoiseMondays: 2:15PM, 4PM, 5:15PM EagleTuesdays & Thursdays: 3PM, 4:15PM, 5:30PM |

“Bring a Friend to Lab” has been so much fun, we are going to continue this in Fall. With the back to school season, Fall is the perfect time to “Bring a Friend to Lab”! We are passionate about spreading STEAM education to as many students as possible. To get more kids involved and encourage students share their exciting lab time with a friend or family member, we have started “Bring a Friend”!