Lab News: Fall Open House and Important Lab News!

It’s such a busy time of the year with all of the kids going back to school; I hope everyone is settling in to their new schedules. These days, even robots are going back to school. Take a look at this article to find out how.
The new schedule at the lab is now in effect and next week we start our September block with many new and existing students! We can’t wait to meet and see everyone.
September begins our monthly topic of Mechanical Actions. Students will learn how to build robots and make them move using several types of gears, motors, and, of course, their own creativity! Becoming confident and creative builders will set the students up for success in other places like structural engineering, mechanical engineering, and most importantly – Zombie month, which is happening in October.
Next Friday, September 5th, join us at the Baldapalooza Music Festival in Eagle 4:00 – 9:30pm. We will have a booth at this great event in Merrill Park, so stop by and say hello!
PCS will be CLOSED on Labor Day. If you are scheduled on Mondays and have not rescheduled for a make up, be sure to contact Heidi.
Join us for an Open House!
September 10th in Eagle
September 17th in Boise
5:30 – 7:30pm
Everyone welcome for fun, tours, snacks, prizes, and the Oculus Rift!
This Week in Lab
Wrapping up Dynamics for this month, PCS students discovered tangent paths, centripetal force, and how they work together. Did anyone go to the fair this summer and see or ride the Starship 3000? This fair ride uses centripetal force and makes you feel almost weightless as you spin around a central point – roller coasters with loops use this same type of force.
After exploring this concept, students designed their own fair ride that uses both centripetal force and inertia. Some students were so enthusiastic with this challenge that they then built what they designed! With such amazing and creative builds – lab was so much fun!
See you in Lab!
After-School Lab Hours Starting August 25thBoiseMondays: 2:15PM, 4PM, 5:15PM EagleTuesdays & Thursdays: 3PM, 4:15PM, 5:30PM |

“Bring a Friend to Lab” has been so much fun, we are going to continue this in Fall. With the back to school season, Fall is the perfect time to “Bring a Friend to Lab”! We are passionate about spreading STEAM education to as many students as possible. To get more kids involved and encourage students share their exciting lab time with a friend or family member, we have started “Bring a Friend”!