Lab News: Open House this Week!

It’s been a great first week back in the lab for many returning and new students! Seeing all of the familiar faces again was such fun, we’re glad everyone is back with the start of the new school year.
Last week we began our monthly topic of Mechanical Actions. Students will learn how to build objects that move using several types of gears, motors, and, of course, their own creativity! Becoming confident, creative builders will set the students up for success in other places like structural engineering, mechanical engineering, and most importantly – Zombie month, which is happening in October.
Still haven’t checked out our Eagle Lab? Now is your chance! The PCS EdventuresLab Eagle location will be hosting an Open House on Wednesday, September 10th. Boise’s Open House will be the following Wednesday. This is a chance for parents to see their student’s projects or simply learn what the lab is all about. Bring your neighbors, friends, and family.
Join us for an Open House!
5:30 – 7:30pm
EAGLE: September 10th
BOISE: September 17th
Everyone welcome for fun, tours, snacks, prizes, and the Oculus Rift!
Next weekend, PCS EdventuresLab will be at the Hyde Park Street Fair. We will have a booth at this great event in the historic district in Boise, so stop by and say hello!

Gear Trains
This Week in Lab
Kicking off Mechanical Actions this month, PCS students worked with spur gears and discovered how to pair gears for speed vs. torque. The more experienced students took the challenge one step further and motorized their gear pair or gear train. Some students got even more creative with their gears and built moving body parts!
See you in Lab!
After-School Lab Hours Starting August 25th
BoiseMondays: 2:15PM, 4PM, 5:15PM EagleTuesdays & Thursdays: 3PM, 4:15PM, 5:30PM |
“Bring a Friend to Lab” has been so much fun, we are going to continue this in Fall. With the back to school season, Fall is the perfect time to “Bring a Friend to Lab”! We are passionate about spreading STEAM education to as many students as possible. To get more kids involved and encourage students share their exciting lab time with a friend or family member, we have started “Bring a Friend”!